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Thursday 31 March 2011

kawan kawan :)

kwan kawan,,jgn kcau aq dgn azry boley kan??tp klw just nk bekawan xkesah yee..hee,,doakan aq ngn azry bhagie boley??aq pon akan doakn korg sume bhagie dgn cpe korng okay :)trime kaseh..aww aww dtjukan trutame skali kpade b*t*i*y*a *a*i* :)

Awak :) kite da cple kan??hee,,(31032011)

Awak,,saya da dapat awak :) sukenye saya..firstly kan,, nk ckap trime kaseh dekat my bestie Eyfa,,dgan kwn sekelas Azry..aww aww..Syaziefa n baizila balqis..:)trime kaseh awk..bie,,sya ingt awk suke dgn mmb sya..awk bg nmb fon awk kt mmb sya,,:( bukan kt sya..mlam semlam sya cll awk due kali awak xangkt kan,,lps 2 awk buad cll me back sya pon cll la awk..sya tye awk,,awk suke kt mmb sya ke??awk ckap soryy,,sya xcm muke awk..okay xpea..awk ckp awk xde kdit,,xpe bie,,sya boley tppkan awk :)lps 2 kite kpel da lame tggu awk tau,,dr ptme kali sya tnmpak awk,,awk syum kt sya kan time 2..dlam ati sya ckp,,xpea..sya akan tggu awk..ahirnye,,dapat kan??trime kaseh awk :) awk kne tau,,sya syang awk sgt2 tau bie,,sya tye awk,,awk syang sy x??awk ckp,,ye..b syg syang..hee,,sukenye sya..awk tye sya kan bgy 5 sbb knpe sy syg awk??sy jwb ap??hee,,ptme bie baekk,,kdue bie pham ati syang,,x mnx bnde bukan2,,keempat,,bie hnsem,,lime,,bie suke syum ngn syang kan..sya ckp ngn awk kan ad stu je sya xsuke ngn awk??awk tye ap dy??sya xsuke awk rpt sgt ngn 2 awk ckp ap??awk ckp,,mulai arini bie jnjy bie xkn mggtal ke,,rpat ke ngn pmpuan..sya hrap awak tpati jnjy awk ye bie..sya mnx ap ngn awk??sy mnx jgn prmainkn sya kan,,awk ckp cmni,,ye bie jnjy xprmainkan syang kne cinte bie spenuh hati klw org nak kenal jgn bie,,syang jnjy syang akan buadd sume yg bie pesan..
bie,,syang syg sgt ngn bie tau..syang pon tau yg bie syg kan syang..syang hrap kite kkal kn bie,,smpy bile2..walau ap pon jdik syang ttp syg kan bie,,i love you bie,,Azry :)

Tuesday 29 March 2011


awk awk,,saya suke awak tau..awak comell,,awak suke syum,,awak nmpak baekk:)okay okay,,saya tau saya ss skarang nihh kan awk:)*capital A :)

bajett abes doee ko ni !

awk awk,aq xpham la ngn ko ! okay first,,smalam,,time kite period,,kite ddok bedue kan kan??then,,budak llaki bru abes smyang n llu dpan muke kite kn??depan kite ad pondok,,tp jaoh sorang mamat llaki 2 comel kn..then,,dea syum-2..:)aq xtau dea syum-2 kat ckp ngn ko"weyy,,Comell doee mamat tue..dy syum 2 yg xtahan aq tgokk,,sweet jea(*mggtal skit xpea kn klw da single??" pas 2 ko ckp"aah doee,,azry kann??aq pon suke gile tgokk mike dy..dy stiap mlam mnx kpel ngn aq"aq"???(xckap ap2 tros diam kan??)then,,time dlam van nak balekk,,aq ckp ngn ko"aq xsuke ar **a* nihh..dy ckp ngn sume org yg aq nihh kpel ngn dy doee,,dah sume org tye aq dy kpel ngn aq ke??bencii seyy cmni" ps 2 ko rply ni kn ngn aq "ea??eee..xmalu plk..baru malam td dy mnx kpel ngn aq xtrime" aq syum..(???)one,,baru tron van kite masok skolah same2 kan??then ad budak2 fom5 tgah kecoh2 kemas skolah..wooaaa..kite nmpak abg agkat ksyangn kite la awak..:)aq ckp ngn ko cmni kn"2 weyy farisda,,comell kn??" ps 2 ko ckp"mane2??yg tgah tarik tali 2 ea??eee..comel nye,,cute gilee seyy(dengn keadaan yg accited kan kwan??)aq sabar ..knpe sume yg aq sbot,,sume nye ko ckp mcm2 smpai ati aq rase xsuke ngn ko??knpe haa??aq aggp ko da mcm kwn rpat tau..ko bwt aq cmni??ko ni mmg jeniss xnk klah kn??semua org sebutt psl lki semue ko ckp,,eh dlu dy mnx kpel ngn aq la,,tiap2 mlm mnx kpel ngn aq la,,puji lbiy la..ap ni??ko pkir ko hott sgt ke??aq tau aq ni low class kan kan kan??ko 2 cantekk,,baekk,,sopann,,ayu,,aggun,,perfect,,sng cite lau ko lalu dpan llki,,semue llki nk tgok ko kn??smpy kne cover abis abisan bile dpan sbar byk2 tau..myb ko 2 budakk baru nak naek kn??kampong tau??gediikk nk mmpos!!bajett hott bajett lawa bajett cantekk,,sgale gale bajett ad kt ko doee..hahha..naseb baek aq boley bsaba lagy tau??klw x tebal muke xletak nme ko yg sdap 2 pic ko yg cantekk sgt 2 da ckop baekk tau x..bodohh..da slow 2 slow ar..dpan laen blkang laen an,,bodoh nk mmposs !

Monday 28 March 2011

hee :)

okay,,Hari Jumaat(25032011)..
Mas :seven up-1
:chachos original(sedapp doee klw cheese,,mmg mgncam)
:lexus cheese(satu kotak)
:chocolate cardburry(blast forest aww aww)
:mentos strawberry
*semua ni akn dkongsi bsame same(Eyfa,Aien,SyaSya,tmasok aq)..jdi,,tgok hari akn dtg siapa yg btugas sila la bwakk mknan mkann yg boley dkunyah,,ditelan,,dicekikk,,dilahap d'dlam klas 2 kaa 2..:)sekian trime kasehh..

Saturday 26 March 2011

Hoiiyy BENCI la cm ni !!

KEPADE SSAPE YG BKENAAN,,klw xsdar dri,,mehh aq type nme dy..[MUHD AZRUL LASIM],mnx TLONG SGT2 la kn,,JGN nk CNTCT oR TEXT aq lgy boley??Antre kite da Xde Ap2 okay !!
n Tlong la JGN nk mlibatkan KWN ko sndri[NAQi]tdoh dy mcm2 okay..Aq bkn Nk bela ke ap ke..cume Ksian La skit Kan,,Ko Xprasan Ke dy 2 kwn ko??byk TLONG ko??BYK bKorban DUET untok ko??ps 2 ko nk Ckp Dy 2 PERAMPAS la apla..Sdarla Siket..Dy da Byk Bwt Baek dgn Ko..So,xpyah nk Ckp DY mcm2..N onE more,,JGn la NK JELES ke ap ke bile aq ad KPEL ngn SP2..Sbb antre kite XDE ppe okay !!
*For your infomation : aq bukn nk sbelahkn sp2 k..nk bela2 naqi or ap cume ksian kt dy..dy xtau ap2 ko pkai tdoh jea..n aq xsuke bile org 2 yg mnx ptos ngn aq n then nk rayu mcm2 bebel jiwang2 kt aq..xsuke..tq :)

kenape nie :(

okay td aq pgy dajah has,,balek-2 tgok hphone aq da ad kt tmapt amek nk tgok sp yg text ke,,cll ke,,tp cekk satu msg aq blom bace la kawn .:)suke suke..skali aq bukak je,,msg dari budaa ni lgy kan..:( [sp 2??humm,,awie lah .]dy ckp,"Mas,,angkt la Mas"thats mean dy myb cll aq tp aq xankat la kn??dy cll lgy sli aq cube agkat..n then aq on cll la ngn dy kan..dala tgah nt bjalan kki,,kene plk btntg suare ngn dy..haihh..xsuke la!!tp dy ckp kjap jea..ap yg dy ckp pon tah sptah haram aq xpham la kan..n then yamin yg on cll ngn aq,,dorg tudoh aq kpel ngn **a*..mane ad..:( xsuke la cmni..please la yee jgnla Bwt Fitnah ataupon Suke Tdoh Mnudoh ataupon whateverla,,psl aq ngn **a* okay..harap sgt-2..kpade yg bkenaan,,tlong la jgn nak mnudoh nudoh aq ngn si **a* ni okay..humm..:(

Thursday 24 March 2011

Sume Gile La woiy :D[part 1]

haha..mmbe,aq sume gile2 babeng la weyy..[Eyfa,Aien,Shasha,Anem]tmsok la aq skli jadii gile la kwan..
mule-2 dtg skolah,then aq pgy stu blek kt blkang surau d'mane sume budaa-2 kelas 2ka1,2ka2,bkumpol..
haha..minom air myak wangi..:)[tp bukan aq yg mnom yaa] bestie tsyng yg gile2 kan air 2 doee..
aq tgokkan je jdii cam org tongong kt datg skolah mst mule mlentok..lgy-2 dlam ven dgn pnoh ksabarannye mnunggu budaa-2 van yg mcm ank raje 2 bsiap-2..mak cik van 2 pon dagn pnoh husyknye mnekan honn yg mcm byik ap 2 byak kli..huhh..pnat btol..xde smgat lgsong nk pgy skola dorg nihh..bbalik pd cite tdi,,aq tgah myandar kn bdn kt dalam blek 2,,yang biey tgah sdap myedot air myak wngi yg dorg bli kt petr sblom msok skola tgokkan je..wek!!rse myak wngi,,myak rmbot sume ad..dgn rase yg cm2 Eyfa boley plawe aq,,"mas,,mnom la..sdap gile la weyy rse dy..len dri yg len doee.."gile babeng mnom bwt ptame klinye ari 2 brubah muke aq!!jadik mkin comel siaa muke aq..dy bey kate sdap..haiyaa..okay,,smbong,,sedot pye sdot,,aq trase mcm ad stu tempias yg MELAMPAU kt tdong aq tau..skli aq pndang,,air myak wangi 2 tsimbah kt aq..dgn pntasnye tgan aq mncubit B***** biey,,hahah,,bongok gile..a nak je lipat dy kat situ..pkkal je kan kawn?? pon gerak gy dewan dgan tdong yg bermiyak wangi doee...xyah pkai pfume pon aq rase bley tdi..hhaha,,hilang bau pfume generic aq n tahen change to pfume yg di beli di petr,,eeeuuuwww....mmbazer la syang,,hahha..okay ni cite ni,part 1 tau..nnt aq post lgy..pnat la gile jari aq..okay,,btw,,biey,,eyfa,,korang mmg Kaw Kaw pye Gile..hahha..

Tuesday 22 March 2011

Pning ! Pning ! Pning !

bru bwt,,susahnye :(
tp ta pe..bsabar kan kwn sggop mninggalkan omwork yg belambak tuh bcoz of my Blog Syg nih haa..:) okay now,,(mas)release your tnsion bcoz  of this Blog please..pgy2 bute dah mrepek je kan aq nih!!
dri mlam tady kot aq brangan nk buad blog nih..tapy sket2 jea aq buad..:(byak keje blom dbereskan dah sbok2 nak uruskan blog nih!!w.y.p maslina oiy..huhu..
okay la!!
aq nak buadd smthing..u all xperlu Tahu dn Mmg xpyah Amek Tahu psl aq nih haa..wste your time okay..
okay..boboii syang..:)